Gonna rename “Dude …?” to “Michael’s Telly Blog” or maybe “Bored Shitless” – I bet you can do votes with this thing …. bugger it – cba.
So, new seasons and new series are upon us, and about time too! Luckily we’ve had SyFy keeping us sane with such staples as Eureka (off till December now, poo) and Warehouse 13 (Eddie and Joanne get a load of stick, but Scags saves it for me, get my geek on, etc.) and not forgetting newcomer, Haven. Gotta say, I really love Haven, which usually means it’ll get canned, so I hate it, hate it, hate it! 
This week kicked off with a new season of House. Was an odd episode, but given the last episode, it was either going to be Bobby stepping out of the shower, or a whole season examining a relationship. Guess the writers are too young to remember what a great get out of jail card Dallas offered
I’ll leave Two and a Half Men alone – I only download it for my son… honest!
Just caught a few new series’ though – Hawaii Five-O was kinda fun, kinda silly, but at least they managed to avoid Dog the Bounty Hunter whilst shooting it so, they did OK. The Event, looks good, kinda weird, but we like weird so, we’ll wait and see. Chase was great – nice to see Kelli Giddish again – hope making Past Life didn’t totally screw her career up – I liked it, but no-one else AT ALL did, so ….? Lone Star looks good too – be nice to see how it develops. Also caught the pilot of a show called Terriers – started earlier this month, so I’ll need to check for any other episodes – was quite funny, not too over the top – lots of clichés though, ex-cop & ex-alcoholic, immature men, ex-wife. Open verdict till I see more. Not big on US comedy shows, as the phrase itself seems to be an oxymoron, but there have been notable exceptions. Mike and Molly may well be one of them – though King of Queens was thought to have consumed every fat joke possible, some have been resurrected, possibly recycled, possibly via a pooper-scooper. Not that bad really, better than most – so I’ll run with it, see how it pans out.
I’ve not looked at the schedules for any more upcoming new series, it’s on my to-do list, but two shows returned tonight and I’m about to watch them – NCIS and NCIS:Los Angeles – so I’ll sign off now, and report later – maybe I’ll have read the upcoming schedule by then too…. or not.