Ha, well, it seems M$ dropped support for WLW last year, so that was a wasted few hours. There;s even a tutorial on installing it on Windows 10 from MS Essentials 2012 – from Stefan Strangers’ Weblog. but as it’s rather old the link to wlsetup-all.exe is dead, but packrat that I am I had it on my 4Tb external hard drive – well, it was inside the Essentials MSI package, but they’re simple to extract. Rather than link my exe, here’s one from the Internet Archive with that you can follow the instructions in Stefan’s blog or …
Do the sensible thing and use Open Live Writer it’s free, in the Microsoft Store and looks and feels just like WLW without the ability to overload it with a zillion plug-ins (yet – they left that option in the settings, so ??)
Here’s a screenshot of me writing this bollocks a second ago., I like it, and considering my absence, it feels familiar. Just noticed my last post about the Millennium Trilogy – a lot has changed there, eh? Sony felt OK to make the Emoji movie but were unwilling to give in to Daniel Craig’s demands? What did he want? Blood of their first-born? I got me some reading to catch-up on before I watch Spider’s Web anyway. Well, listening mostly – I’m giving my eyes a break with an Audible subscription. Coupled with Kindle Unlimited, I got me lots of books in my Audible Queue.
Right, enough for this decade, see you when I get bored of life again
I’m Still Here
Six Fucking Years? Hahahahahaha......
Holy shit! I'm so good at this blog-thing, aren't I? I make promises then fuck off to ... well, look at the title of my blog. I'm asking you, cos I don't know.
TV sucks, I re-watch old stuff because after 6 months I can't remember if I've seen it or not. MS is good for one thing, at least :) Just binge watched 12 seasons of Criminal Minds with Sarah, my partner in crime for the last 25 years.
I think she loves my deteriorating memory and constantly plays tricks on me, or it really is BAD! If it is I'm in trouble on Thursday. I return to work after 5 months sick leave.
Bored now, going bed, but this was fun. I might find that MS app I used to use to post with, Live Writer or summat? Win10 doesn't appear to have it or Movie Maker.
I asked Cortana. Bitch always got my back. Installing Windows Live Writer on Windows 10