Geek Alert! Geek Alert!

Oh no! Lookout!
They've released a trailer for the new Star Wars film!
That'll keep the anoraks busy for a while, eh?
What is is about these guys, and invariably they are guys. I like the Star Wars films - they are great films. However, I do not feel the need to memerise the script, know the name and bio of every character, no matter how incidental or (and this is the biggie!) collect the goddam figures! Arrghh!

They all remind of the comic book store owner in the Simpsons.

I saw some really scary pictures a while back on LJ of people dressed in costumes of their own making attending these Geek-Con things - the best bit was some wit's commentry on the costumes - fucking hilarious! Must find link - well worth a read.

I was never really envious of the Star Wars nuts at school. Even if I did get obsessed with the films I would never have been able to afford the crap - all my money went on fags and mars bars - might explain the unhealthy fat bastard I turned into I suppose.

I suppose I was never really any good at obsessions. I tried stamp collecting - pretty nerdy that one. Kept the collection for ages but never really collected anything worthwile. I was a scout - pretty nerdy/geeky too. Not much cop at that either - got into trouble once when leading a night time hike with a load of younger scouts. We took a detour to buy some beer :-) Once we were camp wardens for the weekend - supposed to be keeping an eye on things etc. Spent a weekend in bed smoking fags one of the other scouts had nicked off his dad! I was on the school quiz team - another office of geekdom - was crap at that too.

I think then, in summary, I'm just not good enough to be a Star Wars fan. Deep down I want to be a geek. But I may be destined to be a wannabe geek. Oh woe is me :-(


Speaking of new film releases the HHGTTG film is scheduled for release in April. The trailer is available HERE. This is in no way geeky as I say it isn't. I have all the radio series and the TV series and the books and the computer game. I must admit reservations though. Letting Americans at this fantastic series may be a big mistake - one the late Mr Adams did his best to avoid. The trailer does make it look pretty good though. I just hope I can ignore the american accents!

Jesus, I must be tired - I tend to waffle when tired. Time for me to put Twin Peaks on and drift off to sleep dreaming of David Duchovny in drag :-)

Night Night, dear blog.

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