Finally managed to get this bloody beta working on my desktop PC
Just a quick note to say hello. As I previously noted, I have returned to the bad old ways of World of Warcraft. I’ve missed a lot of content, so I’m slowly catching up with the rest of my guild. Not doing too bad – we’ve had a few stabs at the Lich King, though things seem to be falling apart when the Valkaries carry us off the edge of the platform, but just a matter of time before he falls for us. Four months was a long break, and it’s still a pain, playing with my disabled left arm, but I muddle through, but have to TRY and limit my time so’s not to fully knacker myself…. notice I said try? Not too good at that bit.
Not much else happening apart from that, though my occupational therapist has managed to bully the council into finally revealing what is happening with my kitchen and bathroom refitting – the kitchen plans are drawn and look good, the bathroom is done too, but as it’s being done especially for my needs, future proofed in case of any MS related relapses, it’s been planned by my OT and the architect. I’ve seen a rough drawing, but not a full colour 3D plan like the kitchen. I’ve described the bathroom as “Spazz-proof”, not particularly PC, but then neither am I
Today was a good day too – my emo-kiddies came to visit, along with their son, Harrison, my great nephew, or grandnephew if you prefer the Americanism, which I don’t. I had a cuddle with him in which he dribbled on my shirt, and watched him eat his first solids, a Farley’s Rusk dissolved in milk, not very solid, but you get the drift. OK, enough rambling, gonna go bed. Nighty-night.
3 comments: (+add yours?)
I'm assuming a Farley's Rusk is some kind of baby cookie? Won't be long before you're dabbing your cookies in some juice or milk, old man. ;-) Thoroughly enjoyed the update.
Oooooops! Puddy ( 6-year-old) has somehow gotten her GMail account mixed with mine. Haven't sorted it out yet. Soooo that wasn't a 6-year-old writing that snarky comment...although she's quite capable of it. :-D So this is SUE!
To be honest I thought it was either my manager (gulp!) or BlueEyes - the only two Karens I know - totally dismissed the idea of a whipper-snapper commenting :)
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