Lack of updates reflects the activity in my life right now.
Going through one of the troughs in a life of troughs and peaks, sitting on my arse watching TV. World Cup is a nice highlight – of course, not the England games. USA vs. Algeria was a good match – and Spain vs. Chile was good, if dirty.
Summer always presents a lull in good TV – all the decent US shows have ended, and the TV bosses expect everyone to be on holiday, so they just dump shit on. Worthy exceptions to this rule are Lie To Me and Leverage, both of which I feel are worthy of proper seasons, not the annoying mid season spot. Lie To Me viewers are treated especially bad – the show started with a short run, January to May 2009, then reappeared in September with a promised 2nd full season, then it was whipped off the air for 6 months. Still, you come to expect this sort of shit from Fox, just look at Family Guy’s treatment.
So I’ve spent the last few weeks watching what the various channels are offering online. 4OD has a nice collection of documentaries, Unreported World in particular. I don’t watch much TV on the actual TV – I can never remember what’s on and when. I do have a Virgin+ box with a HDD to record stuff, but always forget to use it, or indeed forget that I’ve set it. That can be quite a nice experience, finding I’ve recorded a whole series of something, and forgotten about it.
I’m currently watching The Professionals – from 1977. I remember watching these as a kid, but it’s great looking back now at the famous faces whilst they were young, the terrible over-acting, and the crappy not-so-special effects. I used to think it was brilliant, still do, but not for the same reasons, lol.