As if we needed proof Norwegians drink too much Smile


Nazi Zombies? Yup! As much as I dislike watching foreign language films (reading and watching is one too many tasks for me) I love this film. Last foreign film I watched was probably Låt den rätte komma in, a Swedish vampire film (not your average teen-vampire-shite) or maybe [REC]2 (nowhere near as good as the original).

I will add that even though I admit my dislike, due to my inability to multi-task, I prefer to watch a subtitled film to a dubbed version (annoying) or an American re-make (insulting).

It is refreshing to see the teen slash horror genre is still marketable. Not seen anything decent from this genre in a while, so well done Norway!

Oh, Lee, if you read this, I need you to check your surrounding area for Nazi zombies before I come and stay, k?

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