Another gap :)

Hello again internetz Smile

Been busy watching stuff on the tellybox and I’ve also been sucked back in to World of Warcraft Smile with tongue out so this poor blog has suffered. I apologise to my readers, both of you.

Also had to bugger about with my PC – not easy with one hand! Firstly, the unbranded RAM that came with my motherboard/CPU bundle failed – had to buy more (8gb ftw!) then my HDD started with the SMART errors – I did the sensible thing – disabled SMART monitoring. Finally got it all backed up on a eSATA device and installed a SSD.

Let me say this – SSD is the way forward. Windows 7 in 30 seconds from cold, about 15 or so is the BIOS detecting stuff. The only drawback is price – being a poor disabled cripple on benefits, there’s no way I could afford a decent sized one – I had to opt for a tiny one – big enough to hold Windows, Office, Kaspersky and my browser, Chrome – anything that gives the option to customise install goes on my D drive. I’d love to run WoW off a SSD, man that would fly!

All this results in my PC now having a Windows Experience Index of 7.4 – quite a jump from 5.9 prior to the SSD. I also added up my total storage – internal and external – 6TB. Blimey! That’s a hell of a lot of porn TV episodes and music Smile

Speaking of TV, I seem to be enjoying the old favourites more than the new stuff. Bones, CSI (all), Criminal Minds, Fringe, House & Supernatural.


Fox’s Lone Star was binned after TWO episodes, so another of my favourites, Lie To Me, was bumped to fill it’s gaping hole. This makes me happy, as Lie To Me has been used as mid-season and hiatus filler for the last 2 seasons, hopefully the increased exposure will increase it’s popularity and hence it’s longevity.


On the UK scene, Sky broke with tradition and made something worth watching – Thorne, based on Mark Billingham’s books. So far his first 2 books have been adapted – 3 episodes each. as of August this year, there’s another 7 books to cover – I do hope Sky continues with them and does as good a job. The first 3 – Sleepyhead, also starred Natascha McElhone, of Californication fame. The director was Stephen Hopkins, who directed Californication (as well as 24 and other stuff) – coinkydink?


Also on the UK scene, the 9th series of BBC’s Spooks recently finished – I recorded them all and had a Spooks day – yes, I really am that sad. One refreshing trait of Spooks is their bloodthirsty treatment of leading characters – only 2 remain from the first series – the majority being killed off in one way or another – though a few have left the service.


One of the best things I’ve seen on TV has got to be Fry & Laurie Reunited on GOLD the other night. Granted I am a fan of them, and have fond memories of watching the series “A Bit of Fry & Laurie” in the 90’s, but it was well made, and the only fault was too many clips not enough banter. Also they didn’t include 2 of my my favourite sketches – Hugh singing Hey Jude in a high pitched helium like voice, and the shoe shop/brothels sketch. Apparently Hugh’s role in House has made him a household name in the US – Stephen less so – though he did/does have a recurring role on Bones, and starred in the fantastic film Wilde. I think, though, that Stephen’s fame is firmly rooted in Britain – I don’t think the kind of Americans that mass media is aimed at are intelligent enough to “get” his humour. I’m not saying all Americans are thick – not at all, but the main demographics are watching Idol and other reality shite every week – they are the thick ones Smile with tongue out

OK – enough rambling – my migraine is getting worse – ttfn.

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