I’m bored. Can’t play World of Warcraft due to an argument with a flight of stairs (I lost) on top of which I have a cold the week after my GP performed a miracle and managed to enable me to experience sensation in my left arm; unfortunately the sensation was intense agony, the method was a flu jab.

I usually babble about current telly stuff and other nonsense, and I will, but I’ve missed babbling about a good many shows I enjoy as they have been and gone for this year – in particular Haven. Oh how I love thee,
Haven. Or is it just Emily? No, It’s the show as well. The season one cliff-hanger was a doozy, two Audrey Parkers? ZOMG? How!!!111 Season two’s cliff-hanger is less so – Duke & Nathan fighting on boat, camera cuts to boat exterior, gun goes off! Oh noes!! Who is dedded!! Well, neither IMO – they’re both main cast & important to the story – killing either would be a mistake. Besides a wild shot inside a metal hulled ship would be lethal for both, but they never let physics stand in the way of a good story on th’telly.

Another SyFy show that’s been and gone whilst I was away was newcomer
Alphas. Whilst I thoroughly enjoyed the show, I had my doubts as to whether it would be picked up for another season, especially after an eleven episode first season, but it would appear that SyFy have more confidence than I and have picked it up for a second season. Pictured to the right is Afghan-born Azita Ghanizada who plays Rachel Pirzad, one of the two major reasons for watching Alphas; the other being Laura Mennell, who plays Nina Theroux. There’s some blokes in it too supporting them, of course. If you’ve not seen Alphas, think Heroes, but more believable, and also done on the cheap. That’s not fair. It doesn’t look cheap, it’s nowhere near as far fetched as Heroes was – and usually each of the Alphas has to pay a price for using their gift. For example, Rachel can enhance one of her senses by an incredible amount, at the expense of her other senses, which leaves her vulnerable – something you’d think they’d take into consideration before utilizing her, but then that wouldn’t be good telly would it?

Another show I really enjoy came back in July,
Rizzoli & Isles. It took an early break in September but returns to complete it’s second season run in late November – so far 15 episodes are on order so there are another 5 to watch. I was introduced to the show via a friend just after the first season started. I’ve since read quite a few Tess Gerritsen novels on my Kindle – very enjoyable books, but there’s something about the on-screen chemistry between Angie Harmon & Sasha Alexander that goes beyond any dark or dry humour in the novels. As well as being a fan of the show, an avid read of the books, and an admirer of beautiful women, I have to declare an additional bias here: I am still mourning the sudden death of
Caitlin Todd, so frequent doses of Sasha Alexander in
any show helps to soothe the loss.
Since I’ve been droning on for well over 500 words, to avoid TL:DR I’ll finish this post. I’ve got lots more boring telly stuff to bore you with in future posts – but even I’m getting fed up of my own voice (
in my mind!).
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