I was planning a post on my usual televisual nonsense this weekend; there’s always Sunday. Meanwhile I thought I’d properly introduce Bob.
My old cat died in August. Lily was 14 and was sorely missed by all. So much so we decided, as one, that a new cat was to be sourced as soon as possible – days later Bob entered our lives.
It’s become clear over the few months we’ve had him that he’s completely bonkers. His main aim in life is to eat the hamster, Boris (Natasha had to be renamed for, er… obvious reasons :P)
The above pic was taken on the first day Bob spent with us :)
One of his favourite games is to play fetch. Seriously. I’d video it but if I’m in the room I’m the one he brings the toy back to, regardless of who throws it. Pisses Sarah off no end but then again, I feed him, change his shit-box, etc.
Bob has to be kept out of the bathroom for several reasons. Firstly, he can unravel a toilet roll faster than the Andrex puppy. Secondly, he chews toothbrushes. Thirdly, he steals cotton buds, 20-30 at a time, strips them of cotton – one assumes he eats it as I’ve never found any. Finally, and this is the most recent development, he drinks from the toilet. He follows me everywhere. Wakes me up by licking my eyes and ears, watches me avidly when I’m doing bathroom things. The other morning after I’d flushed, I’d left the seat up (yeah, yeah) and was brushing my teeth when I turned and saw Bob straddling the toilet bowl. My first thought was that he was going to use the toilet. I was calculating how much I’d save on kitty litter already. Alas, no. I then saw him delicately bow his head down into the bowl to reach the water in the bottom. I quickly grabbed him before he could fall in – he’s to small to reach the water – it was a disaster waiting to happen. I checked his bowls; he had no food but plenty of water. Later that day he managed to get in the bathroom and succeeded in reaching the water by putting his paws inside the bowl. Really need to work on putting the seat down AND closing the door.
So, my kitten plays fetch and drinks from the toilet – hence the title. He’s also an indoor cat. I like the fact we now have tits and sparrows in the garden, something we never had when Lily was around – even though she was about 7 years past her hunting prime. I’m not keen on having a shit-box in the hall, but at least my kitty is safe, the birdies are safe, and he’s not off making mini-Bobs since he still got his nads; they’re coming off next month, poor bugger :)
That’ll do for now. Bob’s been battering the shit out of my arm whilst typing this – luckily it’s my left so I can’t feel it :P
Now Playing: Sara Bareilles - iTunes Live from SoHo - Breathe Again (Live)
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