I was going on about mid-season stuff that’d already ended during my absence. I’ll continue with 2 SyFy favourites – Eureka and Warehouse 13.
Eureka ended it’s fourth season in September under a very dark cloud, with most fans Knowing that the next season, starting with a December, Christmassy, episode, and concluding in the new year, will be it’s last. The general reaction is of utter dismay, though as the network that failed to pickup Firefly, no-one’s terribly surprised, just saddened. It’s had it’s scheduling mucked about with so much even TiVo’s don’t know when it’s on. I’ve found reactions to Eureka are a little like Marmite – you either love it or hate it. Some folks just don’t dig a town full of geniuses, inventing stuff and getting up to all sorts of mischief. Others, including myself, love it. The upcoming season 5 premiere on Dec 6th sees the entire town transformed into animated versions of themselves. Watch this preview.
Warehouse 13 ended it’s third season in October, and returns for it’s “holiday special” on December 6th.
Sidebar: Christmas is A holiday, not THE holiday – so it’s a Christmas special, not a holiday special. OK, I’ just had to get that off my chest. The Christmas special sees the return of an old enemy, watch the preview.
Looks like a great episode to whet your appetite for season four, all I know so far is that 13 episodes have been ordered for 2012.
It’s a shame they’ve decided to shit-can Eureka – I really enjoyed the crossovers between these 2 shows. Well done SyFy
There are bound to be loads of show’s I’ve neglected to mention – a combination of pain meds and MS causes me to forget things very easily, so don’t be surprised if I bring the subject up again. I’m planning another entry soon – either tonight or tomorrow detailing some of the new stuff I’ve been watching. About time, eh?
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