
Well, bored I suppose. No one reads this bloody thing anyway, but I am bored. Stayed up all day (with the odd power nap) in an attempt to turn my day around – got to be at Hope Hospital on Monday morning to see the MS specialist, so desperately need to get the sleep all day browse all night thing sorted. As luck woul have it, It’s almost midnight and I can’t sleep, exhausted as I am. I’ve watched all my telly stuff from the week (24, CSI x3 flavours, NCIS x 2 flavours, House, Criminal Minds, White Collar, Human Target & Southland), plus the documentary stuff like Ghost Hunters and MonsterQuest. I’ve filled time playing various Hidden Object games – about the only gaming I can do with one hand. I’ve surfed, tweeted and blogged, read email, replied, caught up with my RSS subscriptions, fed the cat, fed the hamster, showed the hamster to the cat, got bollocked. I’m bored.
This is my cat,
and this is the hamster.
See. Bored. ttfn

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