
Ha! Just found this blog I set up and kept updated briefly a while ago. Reminds me of getting a diary at Christmas with good intentions, and forgetting all about it after the holidays when back at school/college/uni/work. Yup, it’s happened more than once.

So. Here I am, buying a new diary, as it were. I actually bought a diary at Christmas to help organise my various hospital appointments, etc and to keep track of my son’s school holidays. I tried using my Nokia – failed – you need to keep it charged and turned on. My PDA has similar faults, but due to it’s bigger on-screen keypad I’m using it rather than the Nokia with it’s doll-sized keypad. So far so good. Except for falling asleep and missing my pain clinic appointment … hmm.

OK, that’ll do for the wb post. ttfn

Those hurting hands in 2005? after 2-3 years of various medications for Reynaud's Phenomenon , was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2008. gg

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