I finally took a break from playing The Pioneer Trail on Facebook and thinking up reasons why I can’t go back to work getting excited at the prospect of a possible return to gainful employment, and watched some telly that wasn’t random documentaries like the 74 Stone Accused (fascinating as it was, it left me rather nauseous). First up was the first two episodes in a new series on Fox called Alcatraz.
I hadn’t read anything about this show, but the first 15 minutes were enough to tell me that JJ Abrams was involved somewhere,and it wasn’t the presence of Jorge Garcia
, it was the overall look and feel of the show that gave it away. I saw the show’s title in the listings for this week – don’t know how I missed it last week, probably drugged up, as per usual (don’t go calling the old bill, it’s my prescription stuff
). and my interest was immediately piqued, as I do have a “thing” for that place. From the mystery surrounding the escape of Frank Lee Morris and Clarence & John Anglin, did they survive or not, etc. to the alleged paranormal activity on The Rock, I have watched numerous shows regarding the place – this is the first time I’ve seen a TV series set there – I was curious to see what it was all about.
Surprise number one was the initial voiceover – Sam “Jurassic Park” Neill doing his bestest American accent telling us that the prison was closed due to spiralling costs and the place becoming decrepit, all prisoners to be transferred to other prisons…. except that’s not what happened! They all disappeared! OK, I was kinda hooked there and then. Throw in the necessary mix of cast to go with great story: Hot chick, played by Sarah Jones, (best screenshot I could take, honest!)
Old fella, Sam “Jurassic Park” Neill, Nerdy guy, who happens to be a doctor, who wrote books about Alcatraz and owns a comic book store, Jorge Garcia. Another Hot chick, but with a history, Parminder Nagra. Recipe complete. Add a bad guy to hunt each week, meanwhile keep trying to find out why and how they disappeared, why they’re back, who’s behind it, etc.. I’m pretty sure Sam “Jurassic Park” Neill’s character, Hauser, knows more than he’s letting on. For instance, at the end of the second episode we find out something about Parminder Nagra’s character, Lucy, and I’m fairly certain Hauser already knew that little titbit of goss.
Overall, it’s a very enjoyable 40 minutes of telly and I’m definitely looking forward to next Monday for the next episode.
OK, off to watch Two Broke Girls now. One day I’ll give up smoking and I’ll win the heart of Kat Dennings. Yes, I’ve seen the pictures.
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