Happy 2012 dear reader.
MS has finally started to bugger up my right arm, leaving me unable to play Warcraft for the past few months. I’ve filled the gap with some of those dire Facebook timewasters, but they tend to annoy me after a while, so I’m just going to moan about stuff and watch television programs.
First thing to be watched this new year is Endeavour. This program is a prequel to Inspector Morse, set in 1965 Oxford. As a huge fan of both Inspector Morse and Lewis, I was intrigued by the idea of this show. After just 10 minutes I was glued to the screen. The music of Barrington Pheloung is featured in Endeavour, as it was in both Inspector Morse and it’s sequel, Lewis, so a common and familiar mood is set from the get go. There is a cameo appearance by one of John Thaw’s daughters, Abigail, who plays a newspaper editor. She asks the young Morse “Have we met?” after Morse replies “I don’t think so.” she smiles and says “Another life, then.”
So far it’s a one-off show (a-boo), but with 6.8 million viewers (28% share) ITV bigwigs should have no problems deciding whether or not to commission a series.
I’ve also watched the second new episode of AbFab from New Years Day. I think the Christmas Day episode was comedy gold. This one was OK, but had a lot to live up to. There’s one more to come, as I read there are to be three episodes celebrating AbFab’s 20th birthday. No idea when the next will be broadcast, but it will apparently have something to do with the 2012 London Olympics. I hope there’s more than a week between the last show and the next, but less than, say, ten years, as that seems a tad too long to wait. I didn’t dislike the New Years Day show, it just wasn’t as funny, nor anticipated, as the Christmas Day one. Plus, there was no Sarah Lund on New Years Day
In case you can’t get iPlayer, or they have already removed it you can grab AbFab here until they remove it.
Christmas Day 231mb
New Years Day Day 232mb
OK, that’s enough for now. Off to find more exciting things to do and watch, or maybe just go to bed. TTFN dear reader.
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