Post-Catstration Revenge

Do you like what I did there – post CATstration? Geddit? Never mind.

I’m either suffering from intense paranoia, or I’m reading far too much into the actions of an otherwise loveable, and loving tabby cat. Possibly both. I had every intention of sitting on the sofa and watching the second instalment of Public Enemies tonight. Bob had different ideas. The sofa is his, you see. It was an exercise in futility. He bounced between wanting to play fetch (he can be rather vocal when he thinks he’s being ignored) and wanting to investigate the television – closely. After 20 minutes of watching a cat’s arsehole and listening to a cat object to his ball not being thrown, I gave up. It hadn’t even started yet. Now I’m sat at my PC Bob has taken up his regular position on my desk (there’s a cushion there for him, I’m a softy) and he’s fast asleep next to a speaker that has Nightwish blasting out of it. He’s just waiting for me to try watching something, then he’ll be rested enough for the next round.

I’m uploading the second instalment of Public Enemies – I’ll update yesterday’s post with the link when it’s done.

mrsbrownsboysI was intending to post about Mrs Brown’s Boys at some point. I heard about this show only recently, even though it’s been around about 10 years or so in Ireland. Last year BBC Scotland with RTÉ put out a 6 episode first series, and a second series started this Christmas. It is rather rude and sweary – possibly why I fecking love it. The whole thing is created by Brendan O’Carroll who also plays as Mrs Brown. I could go on and describe it all but either watch it, or read the Wikipedia page which does a better job than I could. Interestingly, according to RTÉ the Mrs Brown’s Boys Christmas Special was the most watched TV in Ireland over Christmas with a 48.6% share (the Irish have better taste than us – they get Eastenders, too but it didn’t get a look in)! Not bad considering some of the criticism levied against the show by the Irish press.. Whilst looking at the viewing figures, the critics reviews make one think they’re out of sync with the rest of their country, especially the “vaguely embarrassed to be Irish.” in the Irish Independent, LOL. Apparently it’s a 50/50 split. 6.6 Million in the UK watched the Christmas special – nowhere near the Eastenders Christmas episode, but it was best in it’s 10pm spot. If you don’t mind a bit of sweary fun, look out for Mrs Brown’s Boys, Monday 9:30 BBCOne or iPlayer or those naughty places, but not torrents cos they’re shite and Virgin cuts me off for seeding stuff.Smile with tongue out

I’ll update the link on yesterdays post and go watch it now – ttfn..

Now Playing: Nightwish - End Of An Era - Creek Mary's Blood

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