Another gap :)


Hello again internetz Smile

Been busy watching stuff on the tellybox and I’ve also been sucked back in to World of Warcraft Smile with tongue out so this poor blog has suffered. I apologise to my readers, both of you.

Also had to bugger about with my PC – not easy with one hand! Firstly, the unbranded RAM that came with my motherboard/CPU bundle failed – had to buy more (8gb ftw!) then my HDD started with the SMART errors – I did the sensible thing – disabled SMART monitoring. Finally got it all backed up on a eSATA device and installed a SSD.

Let me say this – SSD is the way forward. Windows 7 in 30 seconds from cold, about 15 or so is the BIOS detecting stuff. The only drawback is price – being a poor disabled cripple on benefits, there’s no way I could afford a decent sized one – I had to opt for a tiny one – big enough to hold Windows, Office, Kaspersky and my browser, Chrome – anything that gives the option to customise install goes on my D drive. I’d love to run WoW off a SSD, man that would fly!

All this results in my PC now having a Windows Experience Index of 7.4 – quite a jump from 5.9 prior to the SSD. I also added up my total storage – internal and external – 6TB. Blimey! That’s a hell of a lot of porn TV episodes and music Smile

Speaking of TV, I seem to be enjoying the old favourites more than the new stuff. Bones, CSI (all), Criminal Minds, Fringe, House & Supernatural.


Fox’s Lone Star was binned after TWO episodes, so another of my favourites, Lie To Me, was bumped to fill it’s gaping hole. This makes me happy, as Lie To Me has been used as mid-season and hiatus filler for the last 2 seasons, hopefully the increased exposure will increase it’s popularity and hence it’s longevity.


On the UK scene, Sky broke with tradition and made something worth watching – Thorne, based on Mark Billingham’s books. So far his first 2 books have been adapted – 3 episodes each. as of August this year, there’s another 7 books to cover – I do hope Sky continues with them and does as good a job. The first 3 – Sleepyhead, also starred Natascha McElhone, of Californication fame. The director was Stephen Hopkins, who directed Californication (as well as 24 and other stuff) – coinkydink?


Also on the UK scene, the 9th series of BBC’s Spooks recently finished – I recorded them all and had a Spooks day – yes, I really am that sad. One refreshing trait of Spooks is their bloodthirsty treatment of leading characters – only 2 remain from the first series – the majority being killed off in one way or another – though a few have left the service.


One of the best things I’ve seen on TV has got to be Fry & Laurie Reunited on GOLD the other night. Granted I am a fan of them, and have fond memories of watching the series “A Bit of Fry & Laurie” in the 90’s, but it was well made, and the only fault was too many clips not enough banter. Also they didn’t include 2 of my my favourite sketches – Hugh singing Hey Jude in a high pitched helium like voice, and the shoe shop/brothels sketch. Apparently Hugh’s role in House has made him a household name in the US – Stephen less so – though he did/does have a recurring role on Bones, and starred in the fantastic film Wilde. I think, though, that Stephen’s fame is firmly rooted in Britain – I don’t think the kind of Americans that mass media is aimed at are intelligent enough to “get” his humour. I’m not saying all Americans are thick – not at all, but the main demographics are watching Idol and other reality shite every week – they are the thick ones Smile with tongue out

OK – enough rambling – my migraine is getting worse – ttfn.



Just a quickie for now – I’m off to be poked and prodded by some kid in a white coat who claims to be a doctor.

Just watched a new comedy called Outsourced – it was fantastic – just how I imagine the Virgin Media helpdesk Smile


Having worked in a call centre, it appears they are the same the world over. Anyhoo, if you can, watch it. I found a link not where I get my viewing fodder from, but it’s the same release.

Let me know what you think. The only problem I foresee is they may run out of jokes – there’s only so many times you can joke about hot food burning your ring etc. before it gets tired, but we’ll see.

Michael’s Telly Blog


Gonna rename “Dude …?” to “Michael’s Telly Blog” or maybe “Bored Shitless” – I bet you can do votes with this thing …. bugger it – cba.

So, new seasons and new series are upon us, and about time too! Luckily we’ve had SyFy keeping us sane with such staples as Eureka (off till December now, poo) and Warehouse 13 (Eddie and Joanne get a load of stick, but Scags saves it for me, get my geek on, etc.) and not forgetting newcomer, Haven. Gotta say, I really love Haven, which usually means it’ll get canned, so I hate it, hate it, hate it! Smile


This week kicked off with a new season of House. Was an odd episode, but given the last episode, it was either going to be Bobby stepping out of the shower, or a whole season examining a relationship. Guess the writers are too young to remember what a great get out of jail card Dallas offered Smile with tongue out I’ll leave Two and a Half Men alone – I only download it for my son… honest!

Just caught a few new series’ though – Hawaii Five-O was kinda fun, kinda silly, but at least they managed to avoid Dog the Bounty Hunter whilst shooting it so, they did OK. The Event, looks good, kinda weird, but we like weird so, we’ll wait and see. Chase was great – nice to see Kelli Giddish again – hope making Past Life didn’t totally screw her career up – I liked it, but no-one else AT ALL did, so ….? Lone Star looks good too – be nice to see how it develops. Also caught the pilot of a show called Terriers – started earlier this month, so I’ll need to check for any other episodes – was quite funny, not too over the top – lots of clichés though, ex-cop & ex-alcoholic, immature men, ex-wife. Open verdict till I see more. Not big on US comedy shows, as the phrase itself seems to be an oxymoron, but there have been notable exceptions. Mike and Molly may well be one of them – though King of Queens was thought to have consumed every fat joke possible, some have been resurrected, possibly recycled, possibly via a pooper-scooper. Not that bad really, better than most – so I’ll run with it, see how it pans out.

I’ve not looked at the schedules for any more upcoming new series, it’s on my to-do list, but two shows returned tonight and I’m about to watch them – NCIS and NCIS:Los Angeles – so I’ll sign off now, and report later – maybe I’ll have read the upcoming schedule by then too…. or not.

Bieber Bottled!


I just found this and was highly amused. I don’t actually know who this kid is but my son hates him, so that’s enough for me Smile

Loving the sound effects! Boom! Headshot!

Music Go Music – Light of Love (again)


In case you didn’t see it last time I posted, watch this! It’s brilliant!

Love it! Love it! Love it!

I’m gonna share this again, so you’ll be humming all the time like me Smile

Me? Quiet? Nah!


OK, I admit, I've been rather quiet of late. Reason is, not much happens when you're stuck at home 99% of the time with bugger all to do. I could blog five times a day on what the cat is up to, but I would never put anyone through that horror :)

Rejazz at HomeSo until I have something of interest to say, you can find me playing Runes of Magic (Eu-Macantacht server) – I just can’t be arsed playing WoW until new content comes out – It's just daily after daily blah blah. At least RoM is new to me – lots of exploring etc.

Only lvl 46, but it’s new (to me) and good fun.

USA: Down and Out


Not really in keeping with my usual postings, but I wanted to bring this show, indeed this episode, to your attention.

I think I mentioned at some point finding about 2 years worth of Unreported World on the Channel 4 “4OD” service (UK only unless you have access to a UK proxy). Anyway, the team tend to spend their time in war-torn, third world countries, but this week they reported from the good ol’ US of A. I know the economy is tanked, but had no idea it was this bad in the States. So I decided to put it here for your edumacation.

Supposedly the richest country in the world seems to be ignoring it’s lower classes. When working people have to queue for food hand outs you know there’s something wrong.


Channel 4 4OD (UK Only)

File Factory (200mb Xvid)



As if we needed proof Norwegians drink too much Smile


Nazi Zombies? Yup! As much as I dislike watching foreign language films (reading and watching is one too many tasks for me) I love this film. Last foreign film I watched was probably Låt den rätte komma in, a Swedish vampire film (not your average teen-vampire-shite) or maybe [REC]2 (nowhere near as good as the original).

I will add that even though I admit my dislike, due to my inability to multi-task, I prefer to watch a subtitled film to a dubbed version (annoying) or an American re-make (insulting).

It is refreshing to see the teen slash horror genre is still marketable. Not seen anything decent from this genre in a while, so well done Norway!

Oh, Lee, if you read this, I need you to check your surrounding area for Nazi zombies before I come and stay, k?



Lack of updates reflects the activity in my life right now.

Going through one of the troughs in a life of troughs and peaks, sitting on my arse watching TV. World Cup is a nice highlight – of course, not the England games. USA vs. Algeria was a good match – and Spain vs. Chile was good, if dirty.

Summer always presents a lull in good TV – all the decent US shows have ended, and the TV bosses expect everyone to be on holiday, so they just dump shit on. Worthy exceptions to this rule are Lie To Me and Leverage, both of which I feel are worthy of proper seasons, not the annoying mid season spot. Lie To Me viewers are treated especially bad – the show started with a short run, January to May 2009, then reappeared in September with a promised 2nd full season, then it was whipped off the air for 6 months. Still, you come to expect this sort of shit from Fox, just look at Family Guy’s treatment.

So I’ve spent the last few weeks watching what the various channels are offering online. 4OD has a nice collection of documentaries, Unreported World in particular. I don’t watch much TV on the actual TV – I can never remember what’s on and when. I do have a Virgin+ box with a HDD to record stuff, but always forget to use it, or indeed forget that I’ve set it. That can be quite a nice experience, finding I’ve recorded a whole series of something, and forgotten about it.

ci5I’m currently watching The Professionals – from 1977. I remember watching these as a kid, but it’s great looking back now at the famous faces whilst they were young, the terrible over-acting, and the crappy not-so-special effects. I used to think it was brilliant, still do, but not for the same reasons, lol.

It’s all coming to an end


By which I mean TV shows.

Just watched the season Finale of CSI: Miami – another season, another cliff-hanger. To be honest, it’s lacking in originality. Last season on CSI:NY they had the drive-by on the bar which the entire team was inside of. I can’t recall exactly but I’m sure it’s happened more than once on Miami too. C’mon – we all read TV Rage/Futon Critic/TV Guide et al – by now we know if a show is returning or not, and it’s hardly likely to come back with just Eric and Horatio is it?

And this morning finds me mourning the passing of an old friend. Yes, 24 has finally finished after 8 glorious seasons (or days). I was surprised they didn’t kill Bauer off – I suppose Fox is thinking Films, just as they did with The X-Files.

You won’t find me mourning the ending of Lost though – ‘cos I don’t watch the piece of shit – but I believe that’s another show that’s ended it’s run (far outliving my expectations).

Last week saw the season finale of one of my favourite shows, Fringe, with a real treat in store for season three. I was also dismayed by news that 2 new medical shows which started this year will not be returning: Miami Medical (for
UK viewers think Casualty on crack!) and Trauma (Casualty on crack driving a helicopter). Trauma was good, well, kinda OK – watchable, but very samey. Miami Medical, however, will be missed. It’s got some great characters, fast paced and lots of shouting “Stat!”, just what every medical drama needs. I wish it could have stayed around but it’s viewing figures have been dropping lower and lower each week. I suppose they’re lining up another reality show or a sitcom about a cat to replace it. Or maybe a loop of a coin on the end of a chain spinning with the voice-over saying “Look” Shiny!!” Anything to keep the US audience watching.

Still, it’s not all doom and gloom. The end of the season means the start of mid-season shows Lie To Me and Leverage – both top quality shows which I’ve been looking forward too for a long time. Lie To Me is especially good, just because Tim Roth is in it – genius casting. Oh and USA network are having another season of White Collar – quite an interesting departure from the usual FBI drama.

So tonight both flavours of NCIS finish. Both the veteran and it’s sibling are scheduled to return (thanks CBS). Wednesday sees the season finales of both Criminal Minds and CSI:NY, both of which are coming back too, only Criminal Minds is expecting! Yes the show being (crappily) called Criminal Minds 2 has been green-lighted – it is due to star Forrest Whittaker, who was in a previous episode of Criminal Minds with his high-tech team, tracking down a serial kidnapper/murderer. I’m quite looking forward to that.

And finally, FlasForward will end on Thursday … for good! ABC – what the f..? Apparently cancelled after the final episode was shot, so there’s little chance of any real tying up of the storyline.

OK, I'll direct you here for a full update of the status of TV. Looking at the list it seems ITV have cancelled The Bill – I’ve not watched it since June and Carver (before he got fat and booze ridden) so no loss for me, I was just surprised it was still running after 26 series. They probably had it tucked away on ITV3 or 4 :P I only watch 2 shows on ITV – Lewis and Midsomer Murders (though with John Nettles set to leave Midsomer, I don’t know if I’ll still be watching).

I just looked at how much I’ve just written, and realised I watch too much TV. Bah, impossible. There’s no such thing Smile

I is Back!


Finally managed to get this bloody beta working on my desktop PC Smile

Just a quick note to say hello. As I previously noted, I have returned to the bad old ways of World of Warcraft. I’ve missed a lot of content, so I’m slowly catching up with the rest of my guild. Not doing too bad – we’ve had a few stabs at the Lich King, though things seem to be falling apart when the Valkaries carry us off the edge of the platform, but just a matter of time before he falls for us. Four months was a long break, and it’s still a pain, playing with my disabled left arm, but I muddle through, but have to TRY and limit my time so’s not to fully knacker myself…. notice I said try? Not too good at that bit.

Not much else happening apart from that, though my occupational therapist has managed to bully the council into finally revealing what is happening with my kitchen and bathroom refitting – the kitchen plans are drawn and look good, the bathroom is done too, but as it’s being done especially for my needs, future proofed in case of any MS related relapses, it’s been planned by my OT and the architect. I’ve seen a rough drawing, but not a full colour 3D plan like the kitchen. I’ve described the bathroom as “Spazz-proof”, not particularly PC, but then neither am I Tongue out

Today was a good day too – my emo-kiddies came to visit, along with their son, Harrison, my great nephew, or grandnephew if you prefer the Americanism, which I don’t. I had a cuddle with him in which he dribbled on my shirt, and watched him eat his first solids, a Farley’s Rusk dissolved in milk, not very solid, but you get the drift. OK, enough rambling, gonna go bed. Nighty-night.



Originally uploaded by xrayman98_1999
I've been an elixir master since they introduced it . I was pumping out flasks and getting many procs. Well, it's been nerfed to buggery, but I stuck with it - until I queued up 10 flasks and got ZERO procs - I was pissed off. I dropped elixir mastery and picked up transmutation mastery, since each day I use the cooldown to create a gem. This morning was my first pop and I got a x5 proc - WHOOO YAY!

Oh, btw - You prolly stopped reading when you realised it was about WoW, sorry, but this is what counts as exciting in my life right now. Sad, but true :)

April Fool?


OK, so I just woke up about 30 mins ago – not had enough coffee or ciggies yet, but this message I get from confuses me:

Easy April Fool 1

Sounds OK, yes? I use Easy as a fill server – it’s about £6 a month – Giganews is my main news server – has an unlimited plan. Easynews is about 30GB per month, but it rolls over – I have almost 500GB banked – Giganews is THAT reliable. However, 10GB extra for nowt sounds good so I clicky.

Easy April Fool

Like I said, I can still taste the toothpaste, so maybe my brain can’t digest this yet, but doesn’t sound like much of a steal. Please tell me, is this some sort of April Fool? I used to love April Fool. When I was fucking SEVEN! There was nothing funnier than running into my parents bedroom, telling them my sister was dead. Every year. What? It was funny for me anyway. If this is an April Fool it will sort of backfire as I’ll be cancelling my account - I don’t appreciate humour where my money is concerned, the amount I have is laughable on it’s own.



patterson_bigfoot For the record, I like to watch shows such as Destination Truth, MonsterQuest, Ghost Hunters and Mystery Quest. I also watch car-wreck shows such as Paranormal state, Paranormal Cops and Ghost Lab. I am quite sceptical, but love the idea of cryptids and would love to be convinced. I’m not, but would love to be.
I also think there’s something paranormal going on in a lot of ghost sightings/haunted places. I’d love to see some proof, I haven’t, but I’d love to.
However, I do object to being grouped under the “paranormal” umbrella, when you include all those Americans who believe in UFOs. I say Americans because, besides David Icke, they are the worst offenders. Yes, they offend me. OK, I concede they have some pretty weird videos of strange things in the sky, which warrants further investigation.crap But how on earth do you come up with these stories of reptilians and greys, etc? I mean, seriously? The X-Files was great sci-fi, but it was just that: fiction. When I was younger, before the interwebs,  I used to read a magazine on the paranormal, and even back then resented the inclusion of these stories. At least bigfoot and ghost stories have blurry photos to back it up (somewhat). What do they have of aliens? Drawings and bad photoshopping. ffs.
So in summary, I might watch some programming that mainstream science finds questionable, but at least I don’t believe there’s a colony of grey/reptilian/human clones living underground that fly around, abducting red-necks, cutting out cow’s arseholes with “lasers” and infiltrating the world government. K? k.

Oh, and FYI - mediums are liars.

What a crap week that was


Title says it all really. Another boring week in a continuous stream of boring weeks. Highlight of the week – eye test on Monday. My opticians, D&A, were recently bought by the Boots chain, and since they already had a store in Bolton they closed my D&A branch. Luckily, the same optician I’ve visited for the last 10 years, Rachel, transferred. I’m not a fan of change – I’m a bit odd like that. B-Rook-C1-140This is my first eye test since the MS diagnosis – I was given a much more thorough exam than I’ve had before. Lots of machinery involved, including digital imaging of my eye, which showed a very healthy optic nerve – nothing to worry about.
My new glasses should be ready Monday or Tuesday – so there’s next week’s highlight sorted.
The picture to the right are the frames I ordered as my main pair. I got a second pair free, but couldn’t afford to get slimmer lenses so had to get standard metal frames, similar to my present ones, but black rather than gold.
brutus-best-manAnything else good last week? nah. TV was a bit light – got a few episodes to watch still, 24 and FlashForward, and the return of Supernatural.  I spent the week watching crap on Hulu, and playing Lord of Ultima. If you have access to Hulu, check out this – a fantastic story about Yellowstone’s grizzlies. Watched it this morning and was glued to the screen – stunning animals. The picture to the left is Brutus, Casey’s “pal”, best man at his wedding – Casey, the presenter, employs Brutus to give us up-close examples of grizzly behaviours he shows us in the wild.
OK, fed up of typing now, ttfn.

Tourettes (I am going to hell)


If there was ever any doubt over which way I’ll go when my number is up, pissing myself watching Tourettes: I Swear I Can’t Help It on BBC iPlayer just sealed my fate.
I know it’s a serious neurological condition, I know I shouldn’t laugh, but I did … a lot. Maybe it has something to do with Bo Selecta doing a parody of the guy (John) in an earlier documentary, but replacing him with Gareth Gates.

See, not my fault. Bo Selecta made me laugh at it!


The Return of FlashForward


All hail, for it has returned!
Yes, Wednesday night’s little catch-up, “What did you see?” was followed last night by a double dose of ABC’s fantastic drama series, FlashForward. I did mention the catch-up yesterday, but neglected to look forward one day to see Thursday’s listings, so I was pleasantly surprised to see this double episode this morning.
I won’t go spoiling you, I’m not mean. I know Five will be showing it soon in the UK, before the hiatus they were only a week behind the US, so watch out for the return! There’s no point watching “What did you see?” unless you totally forgot everything that happened before Christmas. Even my bad memory still clung on to the events :) So be prepared for a few answers, a few revelations, and yet more unanswered questions. Yay!

My New Phone


Oh yes. Sexy has arrived. My HTC HD2 arrived late yesterday.hd2
I would have blogged about it yesterday, but I was too busy playing with it :) It’s the latest in my love affair with HTC phones, dating back to my first O2 XDA. I love gadgets in general, and the great thing about PDA’s is they are also useful, unlike the USB drink warmer I bought :P
I’ve not had a new PDA for a number of years now – the last one was the XDA Orbit. This phone is so much more advanced it makes my Orbit look like a dinosaur. My last 2 phones have been regular Nokia handsets – nothing fancy. But I have a lot of difficulty with the buttons, so much so that I switched to my old Orbit as the on-screen keypad is LARGE. However, a bath in warm coffee and a 4 year old battery has resulted in a dodgy phone, so I gave in to temptation and got the HD2. Had to get a 2 year contract in order to get it free, but it’s no biggie – I’m in lurve.
I hope the hackers manage to cook a Windows Mobile 7 ROM for this when WM7 comes out at Christmas – it’s just been announced that there will be no free upgrade, even though the HD2 has excellent specs (1Ghz processor!)
OK – off to install Bejewelled 2 on it – hope it works! ttfn

Another Makeover?


Well, I’m sat here watching really bad Steven Seagal films (The Foreigner anyone?) waiting for my new phone to arrive, and thought “Hey, I know. I’ll bugger about with my blog template … again!”

Just realised I’ve not grabbed last night’s Destination Truth so I’m off to do that. ttfn

Intentional Typo


Had to share this from Shoeboxblog.
It’s funny ‘cos it’s true (I think that’s © Homer Simpson, not sure :))

Oh Joy! It’s NCIS Day!


Cote DePablo
When you’re stuck at home due to illness/disability, as I am, the small things in life get you excited. Having just pushed my 12 year old son out the door too school, I check my TV Rage listings to see what was on last night, and fire up my newsreader to snaffle them from usenet. Illegal? Prolly. Necessary? Oh yes!
And oh what a treat! NCIS, NCIS:LA, Southland and the much-waited-for return of FlashForward (though I note with dismay it’s only a special, not a proper episode. Prolly a catch-up since it’s been off since before Christmas).
<---- Look! It’s Ziva!!!
So, Whilst I wait for NewsbinPro to do it’s thing, I thought I’d update this to brag about it :)
Can’t be too smug though – I have to go out later to Harwood for my ‘script and some food, since the cupboard is pretty bare indeed.

Why Chrome is the Best Browser


If you’ve not tried Google’s Chrome Browser, then you are missing out, big time. For the last 5 years or so I have been a stalwart Firefox fan, since version 1.5 it’s always kicked the stuffing out of Internet Explorer. Last year I started playing with Google’s Chrome, but it’s lack of extensibility has always forced me back to Firefox. I’ve even played with Opera on my desktop, since it’s the only browser I use on my PDA, but again I like extensions – widgets do nowt for me.

Starting in January this year, version 4 of Chrome has support for extensions, and it’s now taken over as my main browser. The only thing it lacks is some form of proxy management so I can do away with Firefox for good. As it stands, I still need Firefox and FoxyProxy to access regional content as Chrome uses the system’s proxy settings, so whilst there is an extension called Proxy Switchy, it buggers up my email and newsreader so I tend not to use it.
The most useful thing for me, recently, has been the built-in page translation. I didn’t even know about this feature until it popped up. I don’t tend to spend time on foreign sites – if they can’t be arsed to learn English, I can’t be arsed reading them (by the way, arsed is in the dictionary – way to go). Anyhoo, I was looking for a certain thing, and it was on a Russian site. Bugger. Then after it loads, a little bar pops up at the top offering to translate it for me – score! I got what I wanted in a few clicks, without resorting to the old copy & paste into Google Translate.
So, get Chrome – you wont regret it.

Things I Learned Whilst Getting Lost: Part the First


If you insist on listening to your MP3 Player getting on a train (thus missing the garbled announcements of which stops your train will make) at least look at the trains destination on the board.
Turns out there are 2 ways to get to Southport from Salford Crescent – one goes through Bolton (the one I needed to get) the other goes via the Atherton line (the one I actually got). I’ve been catching the train to Southport to get home from Manchester Piccadilly for the last 6 years – apparently there’s one from Manchester Victoria which doesn’t go to Bolton, they both go through Salford Crescent, enter lost me somewhere on the Atherton Line.

How I got lost in Salford, Survived, Blogged it and lost it.


Once upon a time I went to Hope Hospital. I got lost on the way back and wrote a blog piece using Windows Live Writer. When generating tags it crashed, and it doesn’t save drafts by default, so all my humorous musings were lost. It had pictures too, and a map. I’ve turned draft saving on now, but lost the will to retype all that shite. The end.



Well, bored I suppose. No one reads this bloody thing anyway, but I am bored. Stayed up all day (with the odd power nap) in an attempt to turn my day around – got to be at Hope Hospital on Monday morning to see the MS specialist, so desperately need to get the sleep all day browse all night thing sorted. As luck woul have it, It’s almost midnight and I can’t sleep, exhausted as I am. I’ve watched all my telly stuff from the week (24, CSI x3 flavours, NCIS x 2 flavours, House, Criminal Minds, White Collar, Human Target & Southland), plus the documentary stuff like Ghost Hunters and MonsterQuest. I’ve filled time playing various Hidden Object games – about the only gaming I can do with one hand. I’ve surfed, tweeted and blogged, read email, replied, caught up with my RSS subscriptions, fed the cat, fed the hamster, showed the hamster to the cat, got bollocked. I’m bored.
This is my cat,
and this is the hamster.
See. Bored. ttfn

Makeover Day


Thanks to a tweet from DownloadSquad I discovered Google’s easy Template Editor. As the article says, it is ridiculously easy to use. I’ve not touched HTML or css in years since I had my own website about font software, so I took no offence in their comment regarding Blogger users being less “design-savvy”.
Nothing else to say, so ttfn.

GoogleReader Play hates me


Just got a tweet from Download Squad regarding Google’s new plaything – GoogleReader Play. Would love to play, but all I get is …
Gotta admit – I like the look – reminds me of Sublime Reader, a Chrome extension I use to view my subscriptions. Let’s hope it starts working … soon.

Google Streetview Zooms by my ‘hood


Gotta love this snapshot of my local shops…
new lane shops
They even swept by my hovel, looks as bad as I thought it would – though not as much litter in the garden – they must have visited not long after the annual warning letter from the council telling me to tidy my garden. Maybe that’s why they sent the letter? Ha. I’m onto them now, breach of tenancy agreement my arse.



I love Wednesdays. Double dose of NCIS. I’m not a hater of the new NCIS Los Angeles, I like it. Mr Cool J is, well … cool :). It's not a patch on the original NCIS, but it’s just a baby – I just hope it gets a chance to mature.
Other reasons to love Wednesdays? White Collar and Southland. I know these are all Tuesday night shows in their home country, but it’s Wednesday here in Blighty when they get aired.
I could do a post each day about TV – I tend to watch a lot. So watch out tomorrow for “Thursday” lol. CSI: NY and Criminal Minds. Just checked my schedule: Ghost Hunters is back! Loved the live last week with Josh Gates – was great to see the cast in the studio answering fan questions. Will be nice to get back to the regular format though – too much interruption for my liking. One thing I found out at a Sci-Fi/Buffy convention thing in Blackpool many years ago: I hate whacked out fangirls (and fanboys). It was a free ticket – I hate to waste stuff. Stop mocking me!!!
Speaking of Josh Gates, his SyFy show, Destination Truth, returns next week (17th March) – I can’t wait. Love it!



Ha! Just found this blog I set up and kept updated briefly a while ago. Reminds me of getting a diary at Christmas with good intentions, and forgetting all about it after the holidays when back at school/college/uni/work. Yup, it’s happened more than once.

So. Here I am, buying a new diary, as it were. I actually bought a diary at Christmas to help organise my various hospital appointments, etc and to keep track of my son’s school holidays. I tried using my Nokia – failed – you need to keep it charged and turned on. My PDA has similar faults, but due to it’s bigger on-screen keypad I’m using it rather than the Nokia with it’s doll-sized keypad. So far so good. Except for falling asleep and missing my pain clinic appointment … hmm.

OK, that’ll do for the wb post. ttfn

Those hurting hands in 2005? after 2-3 years of various medications for Reynaud's Phenomenon , was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2008. gg